Roving Eye Enterprises currently operates models 1267 and 12169 from Seaeye.
We always carry a comprehensive range of spare parts, allowing us to guarantee ROV cover for any works undertaken.
Ancilliary equipment includes; Hydrolek 4 function manipulator with a 19mm rope cutter, sonar, cp probes, high definition video cameras, and a 12MP stills camera with flash gun. Each ROV has powerful onboard lights, compass, depth gauge integrated within, and is propelled by 5 powerful thrusters giving speeds up to 3knots through the water.
“Following Sub” ” Makeshift” ROV Shack on a Jack-up barge.Pile Survey.When Covid- 19 restrictions came in we offered Live Streaming to the clients computer.
Find out more about our ROVs by downloading the pdf.
Our high speed survey craft is the MPC Athenia, a jet propelled craft built in 2012. Athenia allows us to quickly transit large distances at speeds of up to 25knots; […]